Normally Keat and I meet to watch some Chinese soapies, but as spring is upon us I suggested to head out for a trip. Little did I realise when I suggested Keat pick a place, that I would be driving half way across the state. So with a late start we headed off to my Grandfather's birth place, Cowra, for the incorrectly named Sakura Matsuri at the Japanese Gardens. There are no photos of the trip out there as we needed to conserve all our time to get there before the gardens closed. We got there just before 2PM.

After visiting the garden, we headed over to Prisoner Of War Camp 12, which is famous as the one where the Japanese prisoners staged their break out in WWII.

And as dusk started to be upon us, we headed back to Sydney, stopping to take photos of some of the canola fields and the wind farm at Blayney. (And I got a new hat and icon on some of the sites I use.)