This is an open letter to the owners of this mine. I am a member of the Sydney Photobloggers Photography group. On Sunday 30 December, we went for a Photo Trip to the Hunter Valley. Passing by your mine we saw some terrific photography opportunities and decided to stop to take some photos.
A man in a ute with a little yellow light drove past and stopped at the top of the hill. I guess that this was to get good line of sight communications. Is this correct. Was he reporting my vehicles number plate back to some central control room for instructions on the course of action to take? Or am I just being suspicious?
After some time, he came down the hill and advised us that we were not allowed to take photos from the road-side verge because it belonged to the mine. We said we were allowed to take photos from public property. He said that the verge was private property and that the fence was set back. Can you confirm that this is the case? The last thing he said before leaving was that your company does not like people taking photos of it's operations from their property (in this case the road-side verge. Is this correct? Is you company's policy to discourage the general public from taking photos? I would suggest that this is a bad policy. Is suggests that there is something that you want to hide from the general public that is clearly visible from he road side? I have added some photos to show what we took. A full collection can be seen at this location.
I would point out that I went to school here in Australia. I am quite aware of the trespass laws. Also I can read, and we read your no trespassing signs. At no stage did we trespass and at no stage did we intend to trespass.
A man in a ute with a little yellow light drove past and stopped at the top of the hill. I guess that this was to get good line of sight communications. Is this correct. Was he reporting my vehicles number plate back to some central control room for instructions on the course of action to take? Or am I just being suspicious?
After some time, he came down the hill and advised us that we were not allowed to take photos from the road-side verge because it belonged to the mine. We said we were allowed to take photos from public property. He said that the verge was private property and that the fence was set back. Can you confirm that this is the case? The last thing he said before leaving was that your company does not like people taking photos of it's operations from their property (in this case the road-side verge. Is this correct? Is you company's policy to discourage the general public from taking photos? I would suggest that this is a bad policy. Is suggests that there is something that you want to hide from the general public that is clearly visible from he road side? I have added some photos to show what we took. A full collection can be seen at this location.
I would point out that I went to school here in Australia. I am quite aware of the trespass laws. Also I can read, and we read your no trespassing signs. At no stage did we trespass and at no stage did we intend to trespass.
"Australia NSW Bulga Mine 20071230 IMG_2919" by yewenyi [?]

"Australia NSW Bulga Mine 20071230 IMG_2915" by yewenyi [?]

"Australia NSW Bulga Mine 20071230 IMG_2905" by yewenyi [?]

"Australia NSW Bulga Mine 20071230 IMG_2914" by yewenyi [?]