I am pretty sure that this is in Jiu Jiang on the Yang Tze river. If you know which city this is in, please let me know.
In 1992-1993 I was in China with Barbara, Arthur and Friedel Braun. We had traveled along the YangTze River from Nan Jing on a local ferry. We stopped off in this town to visit the Mountain. After this we traveled upstream again to Chung Ching.
It was a bit of a surprise to see little Sydney Opera Houses arranged as entrances to a pedestrian underpass. I suppose the architect dreamt of building his own Opera Houses, but was instead was limited to designing and underpass.
The photo is so grainy because of the low quality of the original image and my scan. I hid this fact by making the photo more grainy to make it look deliberate.
An photo from Shang Hai on the same holiday.

The photo is so grainy because of the low quality of the original image and my scan. I hid this fact by making the photo more grainy to make it look deliberate.
An photo from Shang Hai on the same holiday.

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