A few years back, I handed my camera to my niece, Alicia, who was probably only 10 or 11 at the time, and let her wander off and do what she wanted. What came back on my camera is this inspired piece of movie making, done on one take with no preparation. I am truly impressed. Maybe she is the next Peter Jackson?
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Flower in Sydney's Botanic Gardens

Original Image at www.deviantart.com/devi...
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Bird of Paradise

Further down the road is the pathway around to the headland. On the way is one of Sydney's nudist beaches. I think that the location is curious. Maybe they should move it to Bondi. It would make that beach much more famous. It would be covered in another type of bird of paradise.
Original Image at www.deviantart.com/devi...
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Government House in Sydney and the halls of debate

It brings to mind the idea that one of the features of a democracy is the debate of ideas by it's citizens. I wonder if this has been replaced, here in NSW, by a desire to be seen as being on a particular side by the repetition of a particular view or position as distributed by various media outlets. The latest distribution system is the Internet and the denigration of opposing views as being unreliable or unsavoury it no different nor correct or incorrect that the same views put forward when the printing press was invented and when the sudden ability of people to start printing their pamphlets was seen as a threat to those who were able to control knowledge because it had to be handwritten. Hopefully as a society we are older and wiser. Sometimes I wonder...
I was listening to a radio show recently on a 2SER, which was discussing how, 100 years or so ago, the news papers were dominated by small and partisan papers. You could guarantee to only have to read the views you personally want to subscribe to, by buying the appropriate paper. With mass production, papers became fewer, because of cost, and hence needed to appeal to a wider audience. However, you can still say that there is a general bias in individual papers, covering different audiences. Perhaps with the internet, we are now moving back to a world where groups can put up sites again which allow a much wider points of view, but where the coverage of each site is much narrower in focus.
Original Image at www.deviantart.com/devi...
Monday, December 26, 2005

Sunday, December 25, 2005
Holiday Movie Set - Part 1 - Getting There

Saturday, December 24, 2005
Centennial Park, Paddington
Friday, December 23, 2005
The 728 tram bound for Ryde
When I show people this image, they struggle to accept that I took it as it looks like a picture out of the 1930's. Yay! Now if only the man on the horse was not looking at his stirrups...
P.S. I had to teach the spelling checker the word trams. Such are the times.
Making noise
Didgeridoo lessons ease sleep disorders
Kept awake at night by a snoring partner? The answer to your woes could lie with the didgeridoo.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Video Blog Site
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Belubula Street in Carcoar in NSW and Hakka Peoples
Today we had a lunch and I discovered, that Darren, who I work with is also Hakka, like me, but from a different group. Other notable Hakka people include, that man who's hand I would not shake (when I was 1 year old, and he was opening our house (part of the new extension at Mount Alvernia Hospital in Singapore)), Lee Kuan Yew and Sun Yet Sen, first president of China. Gosh, I haven't written with nested brackets like that in ages. I must be doing too much programming again.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Plants and Tents
Yesterday I went shopping for a new tent. I think I have decided to buy one which has standing room. Will it be able to be put up by one person? I did buy a sleeping bag which is rated to -5 deg. No more freezing for me!
I visited Sandra and Tony (again) to drop off the photos. Some are available at the site you can access by clicking on the image to the right. When I was at their place the day before I spent way too much time outside and the old hayfever is playing up seriously.
I have also created yet another site. This on is at Yahoo, like the photo one. They keep on adding features, but not advertising them. I will continue to use this site, but have supplied the other with a rss feed.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
First Birthday Party

More seriously the party went well. Betheny eventually got over the problem that the presents were not for her. Marcus also has not worked out this candle business and after a guerilla raid by Betheny who blew out the candle the first time round, Marcus wanted to extinguish it with his hand. Blowing in his ear was not a sufficient hint about the task he needed to take. Maybe there is another market opportunity here. I suggest that a group like Banana's in Pajamas make training videos for your children on the basics of extinguishing candles.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Ute's and Christmas Parties

Yesterday we had the annual Christmas party at my work. Here are two short videos [1] [2] of part of the party, showing the band and eating area. This years party must be the most upbeat to date. Previous parties have been quite somber affairs.
I have uploaded some photos for SummerFest to the Schwarzestadt group. You need to be a member of this group to see the photos. I have a two page document with a selection of 14 images on each page which is more easily downloaded.
Last of all is a blast from the past. The guys from Fast Fictions which was on many years ago on 3RRR, are now having a podcast. We want more.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Railway Workshops and Stations

Today I took the car in for a service. I walked though Parramatta to the train station. They are staring to complete the work, and bits of the station are opening again. I must admit to being a doubter. But I was pleasantly surprised. Some bits positively reminded me of Europe. Not bad for the Parramatta. I wonder at how other bits will age. They have kept the old station. Like any such structure, there are old bits, older bits an really old bits. I presume some go back to when it was first built in 1855. Back then the line from Sydney terminated here. But alas my history is not up-to-date on the matter.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Rugby Imortalised & a state of riot

These statues make you wonder how long they will be there and in the end who will remember. Is it not interesting that in Australia we produce statues of sports stars rather than of "beloved" overlords. I dare say this is a good thing, though I do remember some scientists bemoaning the fact that Australia could be a great scientific country, if only it put the same effort into science that it puts into sport.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
The Globe Theater and 旅行向中國

I am loading a picture from a previous holiday onto Deviant Art. It is one I took in England a few years back when I produced of my family history VCD as a modern version of the slide show. The VCD is too big to load here, but some very small, and with poor sound and video quality snippets (as the compression rate is too high) are available at one of my genealogy sites. They are the movies further down the page.
I traveled to England with Wendy, we saw a show at the Globe in all it's authentic Edwardian glory. I saw Bell Shakespeare do the same show later in the Sydney Opera house, and it was impossible to tell they were the same story. I liked both versions and both places. I note that the museums in England have removed their stupid rules about not being able to take photos, now when will these places with their shows do the same?
And finally I am setting up my new home in Schwarzestadt, for my well traveled Perrenland character. I need to know the building code and costs to establish the home.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Site title: 馬馬虎虎 , explained

2005-12-9: Festivals, Deviations & Genealogy |
Well today I am off work, skipping a presentation from our CEO, and heading off to Summerfest. This is a live in role playing convention, being held in Bowral. Lots of Perrenland, but hopefully also more than a little Quellburn. Last night and this morning I spent some time adding to and configuring the Deviant Art site, thanks to those who gave nice comments, and adding to the Wikicities Genealogy site, adding a few hundred more entries. |
2005-12-6: A new blog |
Well, it seems that I have much more space on this site than ever before. The only complaint. No one told me! So I can now put my blog here. Much better arrangement, even if it does not have all the fancy features. I have added some pages from my old blog below. I will now discontinue adding to that site. |
2005-12-11: Deviations |
I just love the web site name. Deviant Art |
2005-12-11: Geocaching III |
Well I went on my third geocaching trip. I am still not very good. I can find the spot, but not the cache. |
2005-12-6: Geocaching II |